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Join a Mission Trip

We have two mission trips to Colombia scheduled for 2025. The experience will change your life, while changing the life of a child! Click here for more info.

Make A Donation

All of your donations are tax-deductible and go directly to the Home and the Children. Thank you for your support!

Sponsor a Child

Change the life of a child while you change your own in the process. We have great kids waiting for a sponsor like you!

Hogar de Cristo

We now have 21 kids living in our Home, Hogar de Cristo. Click on one of their profiles below to learn more. We are able to care, feed and clothe them because of generous donors and sponsors like you!
Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.
Our Organization
Who are we?

The Emiliani Project is a US-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and nurturing abused and abandoned children.

Our Work

Why Choose Us?

The Emiliani Project is not like any other you’re likely to run across. We are a non-profit organization founded by volunteers, run by volunteers and all of the board members are themselves volunteers. 100% of your donations go towards our constructions projects, running the new Hogar de Cristo, and supporting the children who live there.


What are people saying about us!
  • The highlight of our trip to Caldas, Colombia in December 2022, with The Emiliani Project, was the time spent with the children, playing games and celebrating Christmas. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the children as Santa passed out gifts to them and their friend was so special. Meeting beautiful people and working in a beautiful country is a memory that we will cherish for a long time to come.

    children and volunteers in Medellin Colombia around Holidays
    Monica and Tim McNamara
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • It showed me that this will be the beginning of a lifelong and giving friendship with The Emiliani Project.

    mission trip volunteer
    Jorge Flores
    Encinitas, CA
  • I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went on my first trip to Colombia with Emiliani…5 years later, I couldn’t imagine a more purposeful vocation for my life! I have not only witnessed, but have been a part of capturing the vision of Emiliani’s continued focus and goal: to provide all children, particularly the orphaned and abandoned, with a safe place to learn and grow, and experience Christ’s love.

    mission trip volunteer
    Ashley Goff
    Lynchburg, VA
  • [These kids] welcomed me and all the other volunteers in from the moment we arrived and were always eager to take care of us even though we went there for them! By the end of the trip, it seemed they had given us more than we could have ever provided for them. My time invested with The Emiliani Project was worthwhile and I would not hesitate to head back for another round of volunteering.

    Emiliani Project volunteer
    Alex Narelli
    Oceanside, CA
  • Visiting Colombia with [The] Emiliani Project was one of the most forming experiences I had [as] a young adult. I got to experience some of the most authentic and Christlike love and hospitality from the children, staff, and friends of Emiliani project. A lot of times people travel to places like this with the genuine intention of making a difference, but the best part of the trip is seeing how these kids and staff change you.

    Emiliani volunteer
    Edris Olomi
    Temecula, CA
  • We have been taking groups to Colombia from Canada with The Emiliani Project for eight years. They have been more than helpful, making our experience a real Mission: one where we receive from the young people and staff of the Home so much more than we could ever give.

    Emiliani Project volunteer
    Fr. Andrew Gillies
    Nova Scotia, Canada
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Our Volunteer Staff

Photos from our last Trip